World Famous Farmer's Daughter Musical Cuckoo Clock #14 (SCHMECKENBECHER)

World Famous Farmer's Daughter Musical Cuckoo Clock #14 (SCHMECKENBECHER)
World Famous Farmer's Daughter Musical Cuckoo Clock #14 (SCHMECKENBECHER)
World Famous Farmer's Daughter Musical Cuckoo Clock #14 (SCHMECKENBECHER)
World Famous Farmer's Daughter Musical Cuckoo Clock #14 (SCHMECKENBECHER)
World Famous Farmer's Daughter Musical Cuckoo Clock #14 (SCHMECKENBECHER)
World Famous Farmer's Daughter Musical Cuckoo Clock #14 (SCHMECKENBECHER)

World Famous Farmer's Daughter Musical Cuckoo Clock #14 (SCHMECKENBECHER)
World Famous Farmer's Daughter Musical Cuckoo Clock #14. Yet another put away and forgotten, We simply did not touch this one, Other than installing a new set of chains, weights and pendulum. Nothing was removed, a simple cleaning and oiling and back to the wall for testing. Nothing done to the housing neither, This 1985 model is Strong, Clean and Bright! No Cracks, No fixes and No gluing.

The only thing missing is its original box. All paints are Clean Bright and no cracks. The little chicken and cat are our additions and they are not glued in place. After the Cuckoo call the music box plays an unknown melody. As the Coo-coo calls the left windows opens and the cuckoo birds comes out and the farmer pitch fork moves up & down, then the music starts and the right windows opens and a girl comes out as the man in the ladder goes up & down.

12 inches high by 13 inches across and about 7 inches deep. Comes with easy set-up instructions a numerical certificate and a 3 page article about Cuckoo clock origin. Alpine Weather Chalet Station Novelty Clock, Cuckoo clock shop items #. Care in packing easy to read instructions love this clock? Vintage Little Swiss Alpine Chalet 1 Day Cuckoo Clock #. Cuckoo Clocks Chains Mixed Mostly for 1 Day Regulas & CCMC, Some 8 days? Great product and lots of care given to packaging it safely. Rare Vintage Nesting Moving Birds 1 Day Cuckoo clock #24 #.
World Famous Farmer's Daughter Musical Cuckoo Clock #14 (SCHMECKENBECHER)