Lötscher Little Swiss Chalet 1 Day Cuckoo Clock

Lötscher Little Swiss Chalet 1 Day Cuckoo Clock
Lötscher Little Swiss Chalet 1 Day Cuckoo Clock
Lötscher Little Swiss Chalet 1 Day Cuckoo Clock

Lötscher Little Swiss Chalet 1 Day Cuckoo Clock

This small size Cuckoo clock is in super clean conditions. All original parts we only added the missing pendulum. In the Natural Color (blank) but it does have a light coat of factory applied varnish? The pendulum is on the raw, you simply can varnished later or simply leave it alone.

The Swiss shield on the door was installed by us. This Cuckoo clock simply coo-coos times the hour and once at every half hour. Measures about 9 inches high by 7 inches across and about 6 inches deep. Comes with easy set up instructions and a 3 page article about Cuckoo clock origins.

Alpine Weather Chalet Station Novelty Clock, Cuckoo clock shop items #. Care in packing easy to read instructions love this clock?

Vintage Little Swiss Alpine Chalet 1 Day Cuckoo Clock #. Cuckoo Clocks Chains Mixed Mostly for 1 Day Regulas & CCMC, Some 8 days? Great product and lots of care given to packaging it safely. Rare Vintage Nesting Moving Birds 1 Day Cuckoo clock #24 #.

Lötscher Little Swiss Chalet 1 Day Cuckoo Clock