Cuckoo Clock The Summer Meadow Chalet with 8-day-movement

Cuckoo Clock The Summer Meadow Chalet with 8-day-movement
Cuckoo Clock The Summer Meadow Chalet with 8-day-movement
Cuckoo Clock The Summer Meadow Chalet with 8-day-movement
Cuckoo Clock The Summer Meadow Chalet with 8-day-movement
Cuckoo Clock The Summer Meadow Chalet with 8-day-movement

Cuckoo Clock The Summer Meadow Chalet with 8-day-movement

Member of the Black Forest Clock Association. More as 1045 Customer Reviews.

Made in Germany since 1750. Cuckoo Clock 8-day-movement Chalet-Style 34cm by Cuckoo-Palace. UPS Express within 2-4 days (EU/US). Directly from the Black Forest. Over 1045 positive Customer Reviews. Our service stations located across the world. Cuckoo call every half and full hour. Welcome to the Summer Meadow Chalet! Up here in the mountains, the world is still in order and you can live your life in peace. Bernhard greets you in this wonderfully handmade clock after a long day at work. A wise owl and a curious bunny watch the picturesque scenery observantly. The rustic Black Forest farm house is surrounded by lush fir trees. This clock is exclusively available for you at Cuckoo-Palace. It was made with lots of love for the detail by hand and convinces not only with a lovely design but also with a stunning mechanical life on the inside. The distinctive cuckoo call rings out every full and half hour.

The clock is equipped with an original 8-day movement from the Black Forest region and needs to be wound up only once a week. The clock comes with a certificate of authenticity which is issued by the Black Forest Clock Association. This certificate ensures that you receive a high quality item which was produced directly in the Black Forest region in Germany.

In general we deliver your orders to our dispatch partners 24 hours after they are placed.
Cuckoo Clock The Summer Meadow Chalet with 8-day-movement